Vino 301 Postponed Wine Tours

Cheers Guests and Friends,

Before every tour, I send a message to our tour ambassadors and drivers.  The message always states, "Have a great day and be safe".  Safety is one of Vino 301's most important values. 

In light of all of the closures and the day-by-day changes, we have decided to postpone our tours until Maryland's Governor has released the state of emergency.  Everything will be rescheduled once things are under control. 

If you have a tour scheduled, we will contact you to make other arrangements. 

We will extend our FREE Lunch promotion through May 31. 

extended promotion

Maryland Wine Month Promotion

This to shall pass and we will be back at the wineries. In the meantime, you can purchase Vino 301 gift certificates for future trips.

We appreciate your thoughtful words, emails, and messages. We miss you already and pray that COVID-19 is contained soon. Stay well and healthy.


Leslie Frelow

Updated April 12, 2020